Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lessons from Kindergarten

Like this little princess, whom proudly dressed herself, don't be afraid to show off your true colors, and wear what you think looks good and or makes you feel good and defines your personality !!!! This girl paired an overall dress with a neon-rainbow tutu, zig-zagged leggings, and rain boots

Also learned that Sponge- Bob- Square- Pants, is made out of cheese, because that is what he looks like

But one thing that I was puzzled over, and did not agree with was having the kindergarteners and first graders do a Halloween coloring sheet in April---Seriously, WHY NOT CONFUSE THE CHILDREN LOL

Monday, April 8, 2013

Media Overload

This just shows how truly obsessed and attached we are to constant media input and use

At the fancy hotel,  I got the privilege of staying at the other night, there was a small television screen on the bathroom mirror, for guests to watch while sitting on the toilet(I'd call it the royal thrown in this case) , or possibly while sitting in the bathtub. Seeing this was like,  wow, such a shocker, but also so over-rated and  ridiculous , that enough people would use this, instead of fully paying undivided   attention on self grooming and self care. A few minutes without entertainment is not going to kill anyone.

Are Short cuts and quick fixes, worth it??

So, a few hours before going to get a pedicure I did something really stupid,that I knew better than to do,  I hastily shaved my legs, due to laziness,  with just a wet razor, nothing else. This lack of water, of course gave me a bad razor burn. But also, I paid the price of the vigorous salt rub, and hot towel stinging and burning the tar out of my legs.....I did not get the typical pleasure from the pedicure due to my taking the short cut and time saver,  to shave my legs, which got the results, but that time saved cost  much pain and irritation than necessary  , not best or full results in long run

Are short cuts worth the costs?? Time savors to get a quick fix- or band-aid of sorts, are not always of quality

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sick of the Hustle and Bustle of Things

These freeways are never empty,  people are always hustling to get somewhere, but are they moving forward, in life??  Although we as a society as well as individuals are constantly on the go, are we getting anywhere in life? Are they enjoying the experience, and the traveling? Is hurrying and going fast/ maximum m.p.h always necessary, or a positive? It can be dangerous, and cause traffic jams, and you just may miss out on treasures and neat shops or places on a more scenic route. Take a day and just slow everything down------ do everything slower for a day or two --- and take note--- see what you may have been missing or not enjoying so much in today's super rushed always on the go speed. Always being on the go is not necessarily a good thing.
Please tell me about your experiences of living at a slower speed or taking the back roads : )

Friday, April 5, 2013

Kindergartener a view of diabetes

I Talked to all students at an elementary school diabetes kick-off , and I answered questions for the kids. One kindergartener answered the question " what is or what does insulin do" she said insulin helps you do things. It's tricky for kindergarteners to ask questions and not make a comment instead is a very confusing task to ask a question for them. When asked if diabetes is contagious one girl when called on finally asked,what is contagious again?? And when the kids got a chance to ask questions they had about diabetes, this question was asked and was a complete winner: What happens if you eat diabetes? It blew our minds-- what he meant and reworded it was -- can eating something not cooked right give you diabetes?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Serious Hope/inspiration for change

I just saw my uncle, and he has been on low carb diet, mainly eating healthy  fish chicken and veggies and no adult drinks,  since September, and he is a whole new man--- he lost like 100lbs at least, he was lucky to not have already had any blood clots, he changed to save his life due to having stroke like symptoms for 5 weeks of dizziness and not being able speak normally his triglycerides were really high but now all is fine----- He claims it was full blown miracle he's just not had temptation to keep eating once full like before---- I'm so glad to have reminder that people can change and stay committed to something long term if want or need it bad enough every small step counts Just one day at a time and it adds up~~~ I'm glad he is now healthy and not sickly obese

What do you want bad enough, that worth avoiding daily temptations or making sacrifices for???


I have a very very hard-head, stubborn-stubborn dog that when the ground is wet, she will just stand there in the yard starring at us, having a literal stare down, but refuses to relieve herself,  she stands there with her whole body visibly shivering so badly her whole body shakes and it is uncomfortable to even watch, but she will stand there often up to 15-20 minutes and still wont do anything, if we take the time to wait out there that long in the elements with her, literally, waiting for us to give up or give in whichever you view it  and just go back inside, yet we have to put her back in the small cubby area, utile she uses the yard, the next time we walk out and not only watch her from the porch or door, but no two of our 3 dogs  are so stubborn that we have to watch them to make sure they use the yard, if not they will just go on the porch, because they HATE going to the yard especially if it is wet understandably, but if we do not walk them out and stay there watching the Whole time they sneak off and won't go, My one dog would rather keep getting yelled,  shiver for a good deal of time, often waiting my mom or I out, than simply getting it over with quick and painlessly by, "doing it" it gets very frustrating 
I wanted to attach the video clip of her shivering, with this blog in mind based upon her, but I had problems attaching it so a picture will have to do, of her avoiding doing what was requested of her

I have witnessed several such children at the elementary school, where it is my best guess that it is not all uncontrollable or side effect of a disability, but wanting some sense of control or power I'd assume and the only way they can do that is putting off working and staying off task, but it is a struggle between the wills, and gets tiring combatting great stubbornness on a daily basis, but it's the only power or self defense mechanism some have

What might you be too stubborn about? How can you make  life a little easier on someone by purposefully being less stubborn, and letting someone else get their way a little more than putting up a fight just for the sake of it?? and it's really not such a big deal to not get your way 'all' or most of the time??

Small or Large it Doesn't Matter

 I am starting my fourth week of Weight Watchers, NOT a diet, but a lifestyle change/commitment to eat healthier and less.... which can be extra tough on a type one diabetic, but I've hung in there and done pretty well, even if I have already not been diligently tracking how many points I've used, so have not been all in, but have lost 7lbs!!

In the wee hours of the morning the other day my blood-sugar went low, so I used that as an excuse to "cheat" denying my new healthy eating style, NOT diet, as well as my diabetes by treating with not just juice, BUT those ALL TOO Tempting leftover Easter jelly beans and Peeps, after some quick debating, I did it, I indulged, and it wasn't even that good of treats, but it was available, and that is all that was needed, was that one "quick fix" for the lack of taste of something sugary.....and I had to end up doing a shot for it anyway as it was an un-needed overcompensation

As I thought about this, and immediately cringed with some guilt, and it dawned on me that this is NO DIFFERENT than a marital, love, or emotional affair,  just on a way smaller scale, but it was still breaking a commitment I had made to myself none the less  to keep to healthy eating and accounting for my points, and I broke that, and had to own up and account for every one of my choices and actions

 Even though it can be a disappointment or let down, No one has a reason, right, or room to judge someone else who has had an affair, NOT that it is right, but as humans we ALL face temptations and everyone 'cheats', fibs, or breaks commitments in some realm, as I discovered, or often denis there daily walk/relationship with God   ~~ A sin is a sin, a lie is a lie, cheating is cheating period, WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY of GOD WE ARE ALL SINNERS, BUT THE BEST PART IS IS THAT WE ARE FORGIVEN AND START ANEW EVERY SINGLE DAY, we can always turn bad choices around as they say in the special education room, the kids can pull  themselves back together and recover from a meltdown/tantrum or start making better wiser choices and so can you!!!